Thursday, August 27, 2009

Where I'm Gonna Be....

August 29th- Arrive in Quito (still have no place to sleep for this night)

August 30th-September 5th- Program official start date. Orientation in Quito. Includes one day at Yanacocha Mountain Forest Reserve (10,500 ft)

September 5th-12th- Excursion to La Florida Cloud Forest with Rural Homestay

September 13th-27- Classes in Quito Begin. Comparative Ecology. Field Research. Intensive Spanish. Extended Homestay begins. One day at Páramo (12000 ft)

September 28th-October 5th- Excursion to the Amazon Basin at Tiputini Biodiversity Station.

October 6th-19th- Continued classes and homestay in Quito. Short Excursion the Páramo Highland Station (12000 ft)

October 20th-27th- Excursion to Los Galápagos

October 28th- November 6th- Conclusion of classes in Quito and extended homestay

November 7-December 5th- Independent Study Project. Unknown location.

December 6th-11th- Oral Presentations and Program conclusion.

December 12th- End of Program.

December 12th-18th- Independent Travel

December 19th- Return to Minnesota

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